Start Promoting Your App Early

Core-Apps Team

April 26, 2016

    We at Core-apps always emphasize this: “Effectively promoting your mobile app is important to fully achieve your download and usage goals.”

    As an organizer, you want to capture as many app downloads as you possibly can through pre-event promotion.  It is necessary to not only promote downloading the app but also to ensure that it is actively used during your event.

    Starting as early as 60 days out from your event proves to be very beneficial. List all of the app’s features and benefits and let exhibitors and attendees know how they will be able to use the app to their advantage.

    Make sure you promote the features of the app and how they can USE the app to make their life easier and their overall experience more efficient and convenient. Include this information in all of your promotional materials.


    So how do you encourage increased app usage?

    It’s simple. As early as 60 days from the actual event, start mentioning the app everywhere.

    Here are a few of the most effective ways to engage with exhibitors and attendees based from our experience:

    • computer-2Promote the app on your home page and make it easy for exhibitors and participants to find this information. Your event website is the best source of information pre-event. Promote app use on the homepage of your event website along with a dedicated page that includes the 3 essentials: QR code, image of the app, and download instructions.
    • Make noise on all your social media accounts. Whether it’s Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube or whatever type of social media account you might have, tweet, post and blog away all about the app.
    • Add the 3 app download essentials to event communications such as registration confirmations, newsletters, and e-blasts. These channels are a great way to directly reach your attendees and exhibitors.
    • Reach out and ask your exhibitors for help. They are one of the best people who can help promote your brand, encourage attendance, and promote the app.
    • Schedule a webinar to demonstrate how easy it is to download the app and how to utilize some of the most important app features. Record the webinar and send out the link for quick access and reference.
    • Hold a press release. Press releases are a great way to feature your upcoming event and the technology you’ll be using. These sessions also give you the chance to promote your event as the most anticipated event within your industry. Core-apps has press release templates available that also features the app and includes instructions on how to download.
    • Mention your new app in interviews and news articles for industry and association publications.
    • In your prospectus, feature the app and along with sponsorship opportunities.
    • Create push alerts through your multi-event app.
    • Add app download spiels and links on your staff email signatures. This will also serve as a subtle reminder to exhibitors and guests each time they interact with the staff.

    Holding a successful event starts from goal setting and strategy planning.

    With our vast experience in providing mobile apps for events, we have put together a marketing playbook – a collection of tips and suggestions to help you achieve your goals!  You can go here to download our marketing playbook.

    As we’ve repeatedly said before, it’s not only important for attendees and exhibitors to download the app, you must also encourage them to use it.  60 days out might seem early to have them download but chances are, they will forget about it by the time the event starts. You will need to do all the right things to keep them engaged!  We’ve got tips to help you on how you can “Keep Your Audience Engaged with a Year-Round Mobile.”  Visit this link for more information.

    Stay tuned for some more tips about marketing your event app.

    If you would like more information or need any help with any of the details above, feel free to contact us.   We’re always here to help!