Why Having a Single Point of Contact is So Important

Core-Apps Team

July 7, 2015

    Your mobile app is one (if not the only) central location where most of your complex event content is stored.  Whether you’re using a DIY app or an Account Manager to oversee your data input, your organization should have one point of contact. This contact should be the only one to keep on top of the flow of information for each mobile app.

    mobile event app point of contact

    The responsibility for the content for exhibitors, speakers, sessions and schedules, generally spans across several departments within an organization. When we at Core-apps work with customers, or propose GoExpo (Our Event Management Software), we often work with several departments and demo GoExpo several times.  This is because each department has their own responsibility for maintaining certain aspects of the content.  Receiving content and ideas from multiple locations can become quite confusing, especially when there are conflicting opinions.

    Mobile app

    While using one technology provider to manage all of that content and input it all into your mobile app (Core-apps) certainly makes your event (and office) more efficient, it still takes many hands on our end to put forth the total effort that will soon develop into your mobile app.

    Point of contact

    You need to have one centralized person to be that liaison between your technology provider and your office and/or other providers. Having a single point of contact, communication is more efficient for both sides. Mistakes are drastically reduced, support is much easier for both sides, and the mobile app’s flow generally looks and works better coming from one person’s perspective. One person should filter all your company information and this person should have the final say. Of course you need each department to be involved in the entire process and provide their input but this should only be to to their single point of contact who then in-turn funnels that information into the app or sends it to the app provider.

    Here at Core-apps there are several people involved with turning out a single app, but we use one Account Manager to head the project. I can’t even imagine if we had everyone from the Core-apps team involved in the process to build your mobile app. It would be complete chaos.  In the words of Kevin O’Leary (Mr. Wonderful from Shark Tank), “Stop the insanity!”